I Don’t Think We Really Need :user-valid or :user-invalidThere’s been a lot of buzz in the web dev sphere lately about :user-valid and :user-invalid . For those who don’t know them, they are an…Nov 21, 20241Nov 21, 20241
In CSS, Some Infinities Go BeyondYou’re probably familiar with CSS units such as px, rem, em, and maybe even more exotic units like dvh, deg or kHz, but there is another…Apr 9, 2024Apr 9, 2024
To add yo your CSS hamburger idea, you could have a label with a "for" attribute that matches the…Jan 25, 2024Jan 25, 2024
Published inPython in Plain EnglishReview of Dr. Angela Yu’s 100 Days of PythonIf you’re looking to get into programming, you’ve probably heard of Python. Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Sorry, I’m Not Diggin’ HTMXI know I’m one to always rain on somebody’s parade when it comes to emerging tech, but since I first heard of HTMX, I wasn’t a fan.Jan 6, 202441Jan 6, 202441
Published inNotOnlyCSSMy CSS Christmas WishlistWe got spoiled in 2023 with new CSS features. From native nesting, :has() support (Firefox support is coming Tuesday!!) , container…Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023